Adapting Self-Care

Adapting Self-Care

The more people I connect with, the more I am noticing that we are all experiencing this differently, we are all in it together, and our experience is changing as these times of uncertainty continue. No matter what your experience is like through this; it is valid. Your emotions, your feelings, and your thoughts are valid, and there is space for them. During times of uncertainty and change, it is crucial for us to allow space for, feel and process the emotions and thoughts that are coming up for us. When we try to avoid or them push away, they only get trapped within us building upon each other. Some ways to process your emotions and feelings include journaling about them, sitting in stillness and allowing yourself to feel them while practicing equanimity, meditating, productively talking about them, breathing through them, moving them through you through physical movement, and releasing them.

Our thoughts, feelings, and energy will change as the days and weeks continue on, and maybe now it is a little more noticeable because our emotions are heightened, and our routines have been interrupted. That’s okay too. Take time and space to notice this. Ask yourself, “What do I need to know from this?” and “What can I do that is loving and/or supportive to me?” It can be easy to forget to ask this when we are feeling good and easy to ruminate on when we are not, but it’s important to ask this no matter what emotions we are feeling.

Pause, breathe, connect with yourself, pay attention and offer loving kindness. This is the perfect time to start asking yourself what you need in the moment and adapting your self-care practices. It is always the perfect time to practice self-compassion and treating yourself with loving-kindness.

Here are some of my favorite resources for self-care. You can link on the picture to get the links for the middle column.