Posts tagged self-reflection
Spend Time to Elevate Your Self-Care

Sometimes it can feel like we can’t fit in one. more. thing. into our already overflowing schedules, and the thought of adding in self-care seems like futile effort or like it won’t matter if it’s not included. However, when we are tired, stressed, overwhelmed, and depleted, self-care can make all the difference in how we show up in the moments that matter and the following days. As we journey through the exploration of self-care, it's essential to pause and reflect to learn important insights, celebrate our progress, and build supportive systems for a future full of care.

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Self-Care Celebrations: Embracing "The Gap and the Gain"

Being intentional and celebrating the progress we make and embracing "The Gap and the Gain" philosophy can transform our self-care journey. On our self-care journey, it can be easy to focus on the "gap"—the goals we haven't yet reached, the habits we haven't formed, or the challenges we've yet to overcome. However, celebrating the "gain"—acknowledging our progress, big and small—is crucial for sustained well-being.

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Building Self-Awareness

Building self-awareness is really the first step in the process of change. When we become aware that change is possible and that we, personally, can begin to take actions to make a difference in our lives, is when the transformation begins. We don’t have to let our reactions to thoughts and feelings cause us to react in ways we don’t recognize or confuse and cause shame. We can identify our triggers and take new actions to respond thoughtfully.

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