Posts tagged self-awareness
Reflections from the Spring Self-Care Infusion

Last week, over the course of five nourishing and inspiring days, during the Spring Self-Care Infusion, a group of individuals gathered to explore various facets of self-care, from the foundational necessities to the more nuanced practices that all can elevate well-being. In this post, we will explore some of the key insights and takeaways from the experience.

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Nurturing Spaciousness to Cultivate Clarity and Ease Everyday

Spaciousness is more than just extra time or energy; it is a fundamental state of being that allows for more clarity, honesty, emotional openness, and inner peace. It is a quality of mind, body, and heart that allows us to approach life with more alignment, ease, and grace. When we embrace spaciousness, we create room for more creativity, reflection, and deep connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us.

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Prioritizing Your Self-Care this Season

We are a few weeks into spring! This season always has the potential to create a sense of renewal and growth, making it the perfect time to focus on and prioritize your self-care and well-being. Consider spending some time to reflect on the changes you want to make in your life and how you plan to prioritize your self-care throughout this season. Consider how you want to feel at the end of the season and work backward on what it will take to feel that way. Remember, you are worth it!

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Becoming Still through the Season

Here we are again, another spring equinox upon us in the northern hemisphere. Our world continues to change in new ways every day. I’m grateful that each change of the season offers a chance to pause and evaluate my thoughts, feelings, and my behaviors. Especially spring, when the light and dark are coming into balance, and there is an essence of renewal in the air. This spring, I invite you to take some time to pause and reflect with me.

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Adapting to Change

I don’t know if you felt any different energy during the full harvest moon on Monday, but I know I sure did. Change is in the air once again. As we continue to navigate these tumultuous times, it may be time to bring some intentionality forth and put attention on where you are heading and where you want to go, and determining if the two are in alignment.

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Spring Equinox: Reassess, Revitalize and Renew

There always seems to be so much hope in the coming of the spring. When spring arrives and signs of new life start to emerge after winter, a new sense of hope and possibility comes forth. The spring equinox is a great time to set or reset your intentions. Perhaps take the day or weekend to notice your behaviors and your inner states of being, and as you notice these determine what you want to carry forward and what needs some spring cleaning.

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Building Self-Awareness

Building self-awareness is really the first step in the process of change. When we become aware that change is possible and that we, personally, can begin to take actions to make a difference in our lives, is when the transformation begins. We don’t have to let our reactions to thoughts and feelings cause us to react in ways we don’t recognize or confuse and cause shame. We can identify our triggers and take new actions to respond thoughtfully.

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