Reframing Inner Dialogue & Recapturing Energy

The Impact of Our Inner Dialogue

The conversations we have within our heads have a great impact on our well-being. Reframing my inner dialogue has been an ongoing journey and has also created a positive influence in my healing journey and in my ability to embrace more self-care and self-love. Our words matter; especially our inner dialogue.

By reframing our inner dialogue we can shift from self-criticism and unhelpful ruminating thoughts to self-empowerment and loving kindness. This can help us recapture energy and put it to better use. Our inner dialogue shapes our perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes about ourselves and the world around us sometimes without us even recognizing it. The impact of negative self-talk can include increased stress, anxiety, and a diminished sense of self-worth. On the other hand, positive and empowering inner dialogue can improve our self-confidence, resilience, and help us create a greater sense of well-being.

Reframing with Mantras and Affirmations

One tool I’ve found to be especially helpful to get out of ruminating thoughts and unhelpful thought patterns is using mantras and affirmations. These short phrases can be used in the moment to interrupt disempowering or circling thoughts. Finding mantras and affirmations that support you can help alter the conversations you have in your head. When you find yourself ruminating that there isn’t enough time to get your never-ending to-do list done, your brain starts to look for how that is true. So, if you can reframe that with a mantra like, “There is just enough time for me to get everything done”, your brain will also look for ways that is true, and it will often lead to fewer feelings of anxiety and stress. 

Another mantra I really like is, “A little goes a long way.” Many times, I feel like I don’t have time to fit in a self-care practice, but I’ve noticed that if I just take two minutes to do some sort of self-care, I receive benefits that I appreciate and desire. Even two minutes is beneficial and when I say to myself, “A little goes a long way”, my brain will stop trying to convince me that it’s not worth it, and I’m able to engage in the practice more easily. Mantras like this can stop our ruminating thoughts that waste our energy, and allow us to reframe our thinking in powerful ways. I like to write them on sticky notes or create graphics for my phone and computer backgrounds to keep them in front of me to remind me that they are always available.

Another way I like to reframe my thoughts is to phrase the mantras or affirmations as questions to remind me that I need to take action to support my self-care. It’s important that the mantras and questions are phrased in generative and empowering ways and that you look for answers with kindness and curiosity. If you find yourself asking something like, “Why can’t I get everything done?” or “What’s wrong with me?”, consider reframing that with a question to something like, “How might I do this differently?”, “What is a different more supportive question I can ask?”, “What can I learn from this?”, “How can I use my strengths here?”, or “Who might I ask for help?”

Some questions I use regularly are:

  • What matters most right now?

  • Is this loving to me?

  • How am I honoring and loving myself today?

  • How might I show up for myself today?

These help me rethink and reframe what’s going on in the moment even if I don’t have an answer right away, it helps interrupt the thought direction or pattern.

Promoting empowered dialogue

The following practices can promote more empowered inner dialogue:

  1. Identify Unhelpful Inner Dialogue: Start by recognizing unsupportive beliefs, patterns, or ruminating thoughts you have. These might include self-doubt, fear, or feelings of unworthiness. Becoming aware of these thoughts is the first step toward long-term changes in your narrative.

  2. Create Personalized Mantras: Develop mantras that counteract your limiting beliefs and allow you to feel more empowered and grounded as described earlier.

  3. Craft Empowering Affirmations: Write down affirmations that reflect the qualities and mindset you want to cultivate. These should be in the present tense and focus on what you want to achieve. For instance, "I embrace challenges and grow stronger through experiences."

  4. Practice Consistently: Integrate your chosen mantras and affirmations into your daily routine. Repeat them during moments of quiet reflection, meditation, and especially when unsupportive thoughts arise or are circling.

  5. Monitor For Progress: Over time, pay attention to how your inner dialogue shifts. Notice any changes in your thought patterns, emotional responses, and overall well-being.

I invite you to take a few minutes to write down what mantras or questions might be empowering for you to start or continue using. If you’d like a little more inspiration, take a look at The PeacefulWELL Etsy store for more ideas and for some graphics with mantras and questions you can print or add to your phone or computer background. These resources can be a valuable addition to your self-care toolkit, aiding you in cultivating a more empowering and compassionate inner narrative.

Our inner dialogue wields a profound influence on our overall wellness. By intentionally reframing our self-talk through the use of mantras and affirmations, we can transform our mindset, recapture wasted energy, and cultivate a healthier relationship with ourselves. The journey to improved well-being begins within, as we nurture a kinder, more empowering inner dialogue that supports our growth, happiness, and success. The good news is that it is a skill and is something we can get better at with practice. By reframing our inner dialogue, we can unlock the potential to cultivate a healthier relationship with ourselves and enhance our overall well-being.

One last note, I will be teaching a live workshop on this exact topic at Zion Yoga Fest in Hildale, Utah on September 8th! Use coupon code: rachelle_niemann for 10% off!

If you’ll be in the area, I highly recommend checking it out (and attending my workshop:-) )! It’s going to be an amazing festival.